
Rob R.

------------------------------------------ I don't think anyone reads facebook profiles anymore so all this information is antiquated and it feels awkward that so much of my persona deals with Davis California while I now live in Okcheon South Korea. But I will still proudly say that I used to have a show on KDVS ( 90.3fm) called "Taking It To the Streets." When I ran for Davis City Council in 2006 I ran with the slogan "Rob Roy for Mayor: The Future of Davis is now" and I received 1,517 votes... so that means 1 out of every 40 Davisites wants me to be their Mayor. Anyway, I lost but I spent less than $250 and the winners spent about $40,000 and they only received around 5,000 more votes than I did. I think people voted for me because I wasn't a tool. I'm only five foot six so they know I'd stick up for the little guy. In Winter 2005 I ran for ASUCD Senate on the Friends Urging Campus Kindness slate but then defected and became an independent. When I ran I received 1434 top eight votes and 544 number one votes and I won in the first round of voting. For some crazy reason I decided to put my name on the ballot on the Fall 2006 election. And then again in Winter 2007 my name is on the ballot. Anyway... I work too much and do not have enough time in my day. I 've long since resigned the crown that Jenn De la Vega and Kyle melton gave me "the Party King of Davis" so whoever wants it has to earn it by throwing highly entertaining yet safe events. (Could that be you Hannah Reff?) I am addicted to I have a belt buckle that says ",Rob Roy," on it. I'm working on several albums all at once. Check out my music at

Feb 2010
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