19 Things You'll Only Get If You Hate Dating But Also Kinda Love It

    You have a love-hate relationship with Tinder.

    1. Going on dates requires a lot of effort.

    2. But it does mean you get to try out lots of cool new places.

    3. And even if it doesn't work out with someone romantically, you do get to meet a lot of nice and interesting people.

    4. Except for of course, when you don't.

    5. You think dating apps are an excellent way to find people on your own terms.

    6. But you also resent them because they're so superficial.

    7. Not to mention the fact that they're full of unusual characters.

    8. You often toy with the idea of avoiding dating apps altogether.

    9. But then you realise that without them, your love life would be pretty non-existent.

    10. Even if you've been on a lot of dates, you still get nervous.

    Her: you ok? Me: just nervous, I don't date much Her: you're doing fine [I go to take a drink, but It's the candle & I set my face on fire]

    11. Because you're always hyper-aware of how you might be coming across to your date.

    DATE: so are u democrat or republican ME: why don't we save that convo for later haha [googling under the table "what is demmacrat"]

    12. Although there is nothing you fear more than small talk.

    13. You're often frustrated by all of the game-playing in dating.

    HOT TIP: wait to reply to his text until you no longer care if he lives or dies

    14. But if you have the "upper hand" you actually kind of enjoy it.

    15. Although that never seems to last long...

    [I send a message] Lol I am so funny and clever [45 seconds without response] God dammit what have I done?

    Self-doubt and dating go hand in hand.

    16. It's only when you're around couples talking about annoying in-laws and mortgages that you realise how lucky you are.

    17. Until of course, you're at that weird stage with someone where you don't know what the fuck is going on.

    you say potato, I say where is this relationship going

    18. There have been many times where you've almost given up on dating altogether.

    19. But no matter how many times you reach that point, all it takes is one glimmer of hope to get you back in the game.

    It may be shit, but it will all be worth it* when** you meet that special someone***.

    *no it won't


    ***hahahahahahhahahahahahhaah special my arse