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    18 Milestones That Turn Work Colleagues Into Work BFFs

    When you start having secret meetings in the toilets.

    1. When you discover you hate the same person.

    2. When you pull one another into the stationery cupboard/toilet/hallway to have a "secret" meeting.

    3. When you make tea together but never actually make tea.

    4. When you have a joint supply of food in the fridge.

    5. When you're able to communicate in a meeting with just one look.

    6. When you accidentally send an email to the wrong person and you need help strategising damage control.

    7. The first time you save each other food.

    8. When you do your first bit of plotting together.

    9. And the first time you prioritise each other over everyone else.

    10. The first time you book a meeting solely for the purposes of catching up on gossip.

    11. And when you borrow something that's not an office supply.

    12. When one of you saves the other's drunk arse from almost getting fired at the company party.

    13. The first time you discuss your work "habits".

    14. When you reveal your work crush.

    15. And you strategise over what to wear at a work function so you can look hot in front of them.

    16. The first time you have to cover for each other.

    17. The first time you get upset at work and vent to one another.

    18. And when one of you goes on holiday and you realise that work is just rubbish when you're not together.