Definitive Proof That You Should Never Name Your Child "Clint"

    You might as well call them vagina.

    Birthdays will be ruined.

    Every. Single. One.

    Personalisation of any kind will brand them a complete joke.

    And coffee orders will be a daily nightmare.

    Even at Starbucks.

    Dear Starbucks,my name is Clint not Clit! funny! I hope Jimmy Fallon likes it. I should get free coffee for life!

    Especially at Starbucks.

    It won't matter what drink you order.

    The removal of one letter is all it takes to ruin the name.

    Or partial concealment.

    And if they were ever on TV...

    Grand gestures won't be incredible, just incredibly humiliating.

    Autocorrect will not be their friend.

    And receiving mail will be an utterly painful experience.

    Michigan FB Recruiting coordinator, Do not make the same mistake Wisc made when sending info to a recruit named Clint

    So please, I implore you, don't call your kids Clint.

    OR CURT.