17 Situations That Are Way Too Fucking Real If You Have Kids

    "I can do it myself I'm not a baby!!" *one minute later* "MUM CAN YOU HELP MEEE!!"

    1. When you've got work to do but it's the school holidays:

    2. When they need a million explanations for one simple request:

    3. When your kid unexpectedly has an awkward question:

    4. When they think they should be rewarded for doing something they're supposed to be doing:

    5. When they interpret your instructions differently:

    6. When you have to give in to a demand because you don't want to make a scene in public:

    7. When they make a big song and dance about their dinner:

    8. When a simple task turns into a colossal one:

    9. When you're trying keep things spicy in your relationship:

    10. And just a bit of "you" time:

    11. When your kid insists they can do something themselves:

    12. And whenever you travel with them and they refuse to go to the toilet:

    13. When you love them unconditionally but with conditions:

    14. When you forget an important task you were assigned:

    15. When your parents spoil your kids because they don't have to do the raising anymore:

    16. Every time you try to get your kids ready in the morning:

    17. And the never-ending nightmare that is bedtime: