17 Of The Most Awkward Things That Happen In Every Office

    Ban conference calls and ban office birthdays.

    1. Leaving the office at the same time as a colleague you don't know very well.

    2. Showing someone new around the office when you don't even know half of the people you work with.

    3. Singing happy birthday to a colleague.

    4. Or worse, being the one sung to.

    5. Being told to go speak to Steve in IT and having no idea what Steve even looks like.

    6. Presenting to a room full of people on their phones who aren't even listening.

    7. Bumping into your CEO and feeling like you have to impress them.

    8. Writing the wrong thing in someone's birthday card.

    9. Being the one who microwaved fish in the office.

    10. Not knowing how to use a basic office appliance.

    11. Being asked about a project you haven't even started working on.

    12. Going to a meeting room you've booked, but it already being occupied by an important-looking meeting.

    13. Being put on the spot in an important meeting.

    14. Only half-listening to a colleague talking about their weekend and responding with something that makes no sense whatsoever.

    15. Someone DMing you something about the person who has just come over to your desk.

    16. Listening to a new starter give a "fun fact".

    17. And every single conference call ever.