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14 Situations That Will Make All Women Say "Fuck, That's So True"

*When a man repeats your idea in a meeting* "Didn't I just fucking say that Gary?"

1. When you're leaking on your period:

2. Or when you're not even sure if it's your period or just bum sweat:

3. When you feel invisible in a meeting:

4. When you're just trying to take a nice picture of yourself:

5. And you just don't feel great about how you look:

6. When your hormones are all over the shop:

7. When you meet other women in the toilets and become instant besties:

8. When this is the best part of your day:

9. When you go into deep-analysis mode:

10. And when you share every single detail about an interaction, no matter how big or small:

11. When you're walking home by yourself and it's late:

12. When you experience a selfish lover:

13. When you have conflicting ideas about beauty standards:

14. And when your lady bits are just giving you hell: