13 Situations That Are Way Too Fucking Real If You Don't Know How To Adult

    *Irons one shirt* "Fuck this stupid dumb shit who cares about creases anyway"

    1. When you've not checked your bank account in a while:

    2. When you spend all of your pay within the first week:

    3. When you start learning to cook but need a little help from the rents:

    4. When everyone around you seems to be waaaay more adult than you:

    5. When you were hopeful about being healthy:

    6. And about keeping your bedroom screen-free:

    7. When you avoid your responsibilities:

    8. Or when you confront them but give up almost immediately:

    9. When you need to make that phone call:

    10. When you're still controlled by the FOMO:

    11. When you try to start saving money but it's all a little confusing:

    12. When no matter how hard you try to be an adult around your parents they still treat you like a child:

    13. Because well, you still kinda act like one: