12 Situations That Are Way Too Fucking Real In Winter

    When the flu is going round the office and you can feel it "coming on".

    1. When January feels like it's the longest month of the year:

    2. When something is going round the office and you can feel it "coming on":

    3. When you actually get ill and are desperate to change your ways:

    4. When you give up something to boost your health but your friends make life difficult for you:

    5. When you try to learn a new hobby but it proves to be quite the commitment:

    6. When you feel like it's time for a drastic life overhaul but you do something minor instead:

    7. When it gets dark when you wake up and you contemplate all of the reasons why you should just quit your job:

    8. When you get that first fall of snow:

    9. When you try some detox fad but have to force yourself to like it because you already spent an embarrassingly large amount of money on it:

    10. When dealing with dry, chapped lips becomes an everyday chore:

    11. When cosying up inside seems like the only good option:

    12. And when every goddamn day is just like this: