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Which Book From These Popular Authors Would You Rather Read Based Only On Their Covers?

Grady Hendrix has the most beautiful covers.

1. Colleen Hoover:

Two book covers; on the left: multicolored bird silhouettes and on the right: a smashed flower

2. Sally Rooney:

Two book covers; on the left: two simple white outlines of people and on the right: faceless drawings of people

3. Taylor Jenkins Reid:

Two book covers; on the left: an above shot of people surfing in the ocean and on the right: a young woman's face

4. Lucy Foley:

Two book covers; on the left: the exterior of an apartment building and on the right: a boat pulling up to an island while it's raining

5. Emily Henry:

Two book covers; on the left: a man and woman reading on their own separate beach towels and on the right: a man and woman laying in pool lounge chairs

6. Sarah J. Maas:

Two book covers; on the left: a dragon illustration and on the right: an illustration of a armed woman

7. Tessa Bailey:

Two book covers; on the left: a man and woman smirking at each other and on the right: a man and woman hugging

8. And Grady Hendrix:

Two book covers; on the left: two peaches where one has bleeding fang marks and on the right: a mock VHS tape cover with a possessed young girl