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    Just A Bunch Of Easy Spring Cleaning Projects That You'll Actually Finish

    Instead of trying to deep clean every part of your home, just choose one (1) thing from this list and do that.

    Spring cleaning can be a great way to take care of big tasks and really refresh your space, but the idea of doing allllll those big chores at once can be extremely overwhelming.

    So instead of trying to deep clean every part of your home this year, you could choose one (1) thing to spring clean. Pick something that feels doable, and that will actually make a meaningful difference in your everyday life. Here are a bunch of ideas to inspire you:

    1. Go through your phone and delete all of the photos and screenshots you don’t need/want.

    2. Wash your ice cube trays.

    3. Take your winter coat, scarf, hat, etc. to the dry cleaner.

    4. Clean up all of the files on your computer’s desktop.

    5. Choose a new computer background/phone wallpaper.

    6. Corral all of your Tupperware containers/lids.

    7. Or purge/organize your water bottle cupboard.

    8. Go through that bin/box/drawer where you keep old chargers and cords. Get rid of...basically everything.

    9. Decant a few things — dish soap, body wash, flour, olive oil, etc. — into nice bottles/containers.

    10. Finally set up a password manager.

    11. Clean out your purse/backpack.

    12. Unsubscribe from no less than three (3) garbage emails.

    13. Go through a pile of papers. File/scan the important stuff and toss the rest.

    14. Clean the surfaces of your laundry baskets/hamper.

    15. Wipe down the exterior of your washer/dryer and/or your laundry room shelf.

    16. Get rid of all the those sample beauty products you’ve been saving for like three years because you keep telling yourself they “could be good for traveling.”

    17. Or just throw out all your old nail polishes.

    18. If your shower curtain liner is starting to look mildewy or icky, replace it with a new one.

    19. Donate all of the sweaters you thought you were going to wear this winter, but didn’t, and probably won’t wear next winter either.

    20. Snake a drain.

    21. Flip a mattress.

    22. Collect all of your pens/pencils/Sharpies from their various locations. Toss the ones that are used up/have shitty erasers/never really worked. Then redistribute them evenly throughout your space.

    23. Clean out your email inbox. Or just set up some filters/labels in Gmail to help you manage email better going forward.

    24. Fix/replace your broken phone screen.

    25. Clean your makeup brushes.

    26. Take all the dishes, pots, pans, etc. out of your cupboards, clean the surfaces, replace everything.

    27. Bonus: install shelf paper before you put everything back in.

    28. Go through your coupons and throw out any that have expired.

    29. Get rid of one (1) useless kitchen tool or gadget.

    30. Pick one (1) thing in your home that’s broken/annoying you and just fix the dang thing (or get someone to fix it).

    31. Rename/organize all the files on your computer.

    32. Clean your garbage can inside and out.

    33. Organize/purge the instruction books for all of your gadgets, electronics, etc.

    34. Replace your toothbrush.

    35. Replace your loofah.

    36. Clean your bookshelf: dust books, clean the actual shelves, re-organize your books, etc.

    37. Combine/condense items you have multiples of, like open boxes of pasta, shampoo, body wash, etc.

    38. Deep clean the interior of your fridge.

    39. Get your duvet/bedspread/mattress cover cleaned.

    40. Clean your desk.

    41. Or just clean your keyboard and computer screen.

    42. Delete at least two (2) useless apps from your phone.

    43. Deep clean your yoga mat.

    44. Go through your medicine chest/bathroom cupboard and throw out any expired medications.

    45. Back up your computer.

    46. Organize your sock drawer.

    47. Clean all of your windows/sliding glass doors.

    48. Clean your baseboards.

    49. Replace/clean your vacuum filter.