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9 Tiny Life Hacks That Will Make Cleaning An Activity You Can Actually Tolerate

For those of us who love having a neat and tidy home but find cleaning extremely boring.

I love having a clean home. Inside a tidy apartment I feel like I can concentrate, relax, play host — do anything, really. When my home is sparkling, I feel like my best self.

But if loving a clean home sits at one end of the "things I really enjoy" spectrum, the task of actually cleaning said home sits much closer to the other end. Each weekend my list of chores haunts me, like a pile of homework or laborious phone call I know I need to make, purposely being avoided until it's 7 p.m. on Sunday night.

That said, I'm a goddamn adult so I'm always looking for new ways to Get Shit Done with minimum complaints.

Here are some tips I've heard and tried that really do make cleaning feel like less of a chore:

1. Get some of your most-hated chores out of the way before the weekend begins.

2. Or when that's not possible, get them done as soon as the weekend starts rather than putting them off until Sunday evening.

3. Wear a pair of well-fitting rubber gloves while you clean.

4. Get yourself a cleaning outfit and stop doing chores in your pajamas.

5. If you can afford to, consider outsourcing the tasks that you really hate the most.

6. Find a podcast or audiobook that you only listen to while you clean.

7. Play to your strengths when dividing up chores within your household.

8. Work out how much each chore actually takes to do, so you know what you're in for when you begin.

9. And finally, buy cleaning products and tools that you actually like using.

Dump Week is a series of posts that will help you take out the trash in every aspect of your life, making room for all the good stuff you deserve. See more posts here.