20 Old-Timey Photos That Are 100% You And Your Friends

    Tag yrself, I'm #3.

    1. When you're deciding whether or not you like their new man.

    2. When one of you masters the smokey eye and then teaches the others.

    3. When some asshole comes in your mentions and you start tag teaming the takedown without even needing to discuss it first.

    4. When you're the only one who's sober.

    5. When your BFF says they don't feel like going out tonight, and you're like, OH THANK GOD ME TOO!

    6. When everyone comes together to help you compose the perfect text.

    7. When someone calls you out and you're about to hit her with the receipts.

    8. When you meet someone new and are vibing on your ho-ism.

    9. When your drunk BFF is talking to someone that Sober Them would definitely not be talking to.

    10. When you decide this club is busted AF.

    11. When you're in the back of an Uber, heading home for the night.

    12. When that one friend does something extra ho-ish, even for them.

    13. When you're on a date and the group text is blowing up in anticipation.

    14. When you're pissed at each other but don't want to admit it so you just keep starting every sentence with "I mean, it's fine, it's just that..."

    15. When you hear someone talking shit about your friend and aren't about to let that happen.

    16. When you start getting your periods at the same time.

    17. When you're literally trying to pray away the garbage man your friend is dating.

    18. When that trash man breaks their heart and you need to remind them of their worth.

    19. When you remind each other it's always hos over bros.

    20. When your BFF wants to give up on their dreams but you won't let them.