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    If Camping Is Your Favorite Hobby, You’ll Want To Check Out These 27 Things

    In which you'll find an ode to my new favorite tent.

    1. An REI Wonderland 4 tent because the best part of camping is that it's basically an excuse to have an outdoor sleepover with your besties, and this beaut is as spacious as can be!

    the green camping tent

    2. Or a Hornet Elite OSMO Ultralight tent available in a one- or two-person model if you want to opt for a lighter-weight tent you can also use for backpacking. I have this tent, and when I first set it up I swear I heard angels sing. It has all the features I need, nothing I don't, and is going to be my go-to tent for years to come.

    3. A Kelty three-season mummy sleeping bag that's a superb bag for anyone in search of a versatile, warm, reliable, and lightweight bag. I use mine for backpacking and car camping trips alike, and love it all around.

    4. A classic Coleman camp stove perfect for whipping up a full meal in the great outdoors. With two burners, a wind shield, and heat control, you're gonna be the head chef of the wilderness, and everyone will be so glad to have a hot meal in their bellies before snuggling up for the night.

    reviewer's camp stove at a campsite with a pot on one burner and a pan frying eggs on another

    5. Or an over-the-fire camp grill for anyone who wants to cook a meal with the coals without having to wrap everything in tin foil.

    6. A Sawyer Squeeze water filtration system that blows any other system out of the — say it with me — water. Even on car camping trips, it's good to have a backup water purification on-hand just in case. It's adaptable and easy to use in almost any situation. While it comes with a bag that you can fill and squeeze, I prefer to fill a bottle with natural water, screw the filter on top, and drink straight from the bottle.

    7. A Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil roll-top dry sack because keeping your camp clothes and electronics dry is absolutely essential for any fun, safe camping trip. My love for these lightweight waterproof bags can't be stifled.

    8. An inflatable lounge chair that will make a sunny outdoor nap feel like the height of luxury. You inflate it just by whipping it in the wind, meaning no pesky hand pumps or electricity needed!

    9. A pack of cleansing wipes so you can freshen up a little bit between showers, much to the satisfaction of your campmates' noses...and your own, honestly.

    wipes in their flexible plastic container

    10. A puffy Rumpl indoor/outdoor blanket to keep you warm and cozy all through the night — whether you grab it for some time around the bonfire or add it to your sleep setup. Its smooth surface is water- and dirt-resistant, so there are no worries about exposing it to the elements. Plus its 4.8-star overall rating backs me up here.

    11. A Helinox ultralight chair because sometimes those campsite benches just don't cut it. It weighs just over a pound, packs down super small, and is perfect for any outdoorsy person who hates to forgo comfort.

    12. A compressible camping pillow so you have the perfect place to lay your head as you dream of building the perfect campfire and toasting the most delicious marshmallow to ever exist.

    mushroom print compressible pillow in two sizes

    13. An Aeropress coffee and espresso maker that brews top-notch coffee anywhere boiling water is available. It's also small, durable, and easy to clean, so bringing it to the ends of the Earth with you is a no-brainer, especially when a hot bevy in the morning is considered essential.

    grey cylindrical aeropress sitting over a coffee mug

    14. Or a Stanley pour-over set that is so extra in its outdoorsiness it must be applauded. If you're in the center of the Venn diagram of people who love gear *and* the perfect artisanal pour-over, I can't think of a better splurge.

    15. A Goal Zero Flip Power Bank so you can charge your devices, no problem. From phones to navigation devices to headlamps, it'll be a relief to know you won't have any essential electronics poop out without a backup battery. I've had a Goal Zero for a few years and find the reliability well worth the price.

    16. A Coleman camping chair that has its own side table (with a built-in cupholder!) so you can keep your drinks, snacks, and speaker on hand while you kick back and bask in the natural ambience.

    17. A thick foam sleeping pad if you're headed out on a car camping trip and want to take advantage of being able to pack large, comfy items in your trunk. Sleeping like a rock instead of sleeping on a rock is a camping best-case scenario.

    18. Or a Big Agnes Rapide sleeping pad for a more packable option that's also ready to fit in with your backpacking setup. I have a slightly different but similar Big Agnes pad that's so comfy it's also what I use on car camping trips!

    model setting up the orange red inflatable sleeping pad in their tent

    19. A set of extendable skewers so no knuckle hair is harmed in the making of scrumptious s'mores. Gathering around the fire just got even better (aka tastier).

    20. A pull-string fire starter because you're probably a little rusty on your Boy Scouts skills and no one in your camp crew is going to give you a badge anyway. Put the sticks down — this'll do all the hard work for you!

    21. A cot and air mattress if sleeping on the hard ground is a hard no for you. Sleeping under the stars is rad, but sleeping in a BED under the stars? Unbeatable.

    models on an inflatable Coleman mattress on a stand

    22. A Yeti Tundra 35 cooler because they really do make some seriously splurge-worthy coolers. This one has an impressive 4.8-star overall rating for its durability and, of course, ability to keep things cold for a wildly long time.

    reviewer's teal small yeti cooler in the back of their car with their dog

    23. And a cooler light so reaching for a can after the sun sets is never a shot in the dark. Sidebar: would watch a TV show about tricked-out coolers.

    24. A pack of waterproof cards if you're worried about — *gasp* — getting bored. That's OK. You can't expect to be thrilled by watching trees move in the breeze after a few days. Now you and your friends can play rummy without worrying that your cards will basically melt in the rain.

    reviewer playing with the plastic waterproof cards

    25. A simple Coleman lantern essential for keeping your path illuminated (and staying safe) as you traverse camp after dark.

    model holding red Coleman lantern by a handle

    26. A pair of Teva sandals if you've been on the hunt for a comfy pair of "camp shoes" to bring along on your next journey. These are shockingly supportive and feel so good after a long day presumably spent in boots.

    27. A multipurpose Buff you can wear tons of different ways to protect your neck and head from the sun or the cold thanks to a super breathable fabric. Popularized by Survivor, beloved by the outdoorsy.

    model wearing buff on their neck and head

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.