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    Brits Pickpocketing In Turkey???

    Saturday evening, November 8th, 2014. Two Brit tourists in Antalya Airport, Turkey get approached by what I think is an Italian family. The family are accusing them of some kind of theft. The Brits are outraged as the guy tries to forcibly search them. It was unclear if the family were just accusing random strangers or not at first but if you look very carefully at the 2:20 mark you can see the the man finally grabs a purse away from the Brit guy and his lady instantly recognises it and checks to see if the contents are still there. She does this in plain view of the Brit guy but he doesn't demand the return of the purse which kind of implies that he knows it was theirs in the first place. Who knows, maybe the Brits, ahem, picked it up by mistake. Either way, they are lucky the family took things into their own hands because after they recovered their property they left it at that. If they had asked airport security to search the couple instead then, having four them with 'misplaced' property, they would have been spending the night in a Turkish jail cell. Sorry for the shaky cam at the start. It stabilizes after a time.

    Brits pickpocketing in Europe???

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    Saturday evening, November 8th, 2014. Two Brit tourists in Antalya Airport, Turkey get approached by what I think is an Italian family. The family are accusing them of some kind of theft. The Brits are outraged as the guy tries to forcibly search them.

    It was unclear if the family were just accusing random strangers or not at first but if you look very carefully at the 2:20 mark you can see the the man finally grabs a purse away from the Brit guy and his lady instantly recognises it and checks to see if the contents are still there. She does this in plain view of the Brit guy but he doesn't demand the return of the purse which kind of implies that he knows it was theirs in the first place.

    Who knows, maybe the Brits, ahem, picked it up by mistake. Either way, they are lucky the family took things into their own hands because after they recovered their property they left it at that. If they had asked airport security to search the couple instead then, having four them with 'misplaced' property, they would have been spending the night in a Turkish jail cell.

    Sorry for the shaky cam at the start. It stabilizes after a time.