17 People That Can't Be Trusted Around Food

    This is how you ruin a meal.

    1. Come on y'all. What's going on here?

    2. You can't trust someone that does THIS to soup.

    3. This person that can never step foot in Chicago again…

    …because of the ~heinzous~ crime they committed.

    4. OK, this looks fun AF but I'd much rather swallow water by accident then that thick, sour, red, sludge.

    5. Waiter: "How was the meal?"

    6. Me: "Ah, thanks for asking. Can you tell the chef I don’t trust them? Thank you."

    7. Ketchup with fries is a thing so that's acceptable, I guess...but, THIS is too much.

    8. How do you like your eggs?...don't answer that. It doesn't matter when you do this to it.

    9. You can't really trust the person that doesn't think about the consequences of their food requests.

    Hey @McDonalds I get that I asked for only ketchup...but this is a bit excessive... #ketchupfordays

    10. Can you even taste the food at this point?

    11. Who wants to share the last slice of pizza with someone that does THIS to it?

    12. It's worse what people are doing to mac and cheese.

    13. Here's a secret, both of these people are untrustworthy.

    14. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.

    15. Where does the ketchup end and the food begin?

    17. This madness must end. Ketchup itself needs a funeral.

    This is doing ENTIRELY too much. https://t.co/RlLSyOQcwy

    @missolu93 / Via Twitter: @missolu93