Here's What The Kids From "Recess" Look Like Today

    School's out forever!

    Gretchen Grundler

    After graduating college, Gretchen went on to develop a new and improved Galileo device that now rivals all Apple products. She and Vince dated throughout middle school and most of high school, but she decided it’d be best to end their relationship so he could focus on basketball.

    Gus Griswald

    Gus enlisted in the Army at his father's command. When he arrived back home, he confessed to Mikey he was in love with him. Gus and Mikey then briefly tried dating but decided they worked better as friends. They still routinely hang out when Gus isn't at the ROTC center.

    Mikey Blumberg

    Mikey attended college for a semester but dropped out to pursue music. He was able to get a loan from Hustler Kid and used the money to open a medical marijuana dispensary with Guru Kid called "Bonky the Highostore," inspired by his favorite childhood toy, Bonky the Dinosaur.

    Vince LaSalle

    After high school, Vince was drafted to play in the NBA but tore his ACL during his rookie year. After the injury, he decided to move back close to home and began coaching basketball at Third Street Elementary School with Lawson. He and Gretchen still remain in close contact and he hopes they will soon get back together.

    Ashley Spinelli

    Spinelli played Roller Derby for five years after graduating high school. In her fourth year, her team won the Roller Derby World Cup. After retiring, she became a coach for the local team. She and T.J. dated briefly in high school but now they live together.

    T.J. Detweiler

    T.J. was expelled from high school for hacking into the school's grading system. While living at home with his parents, he copyrighted the phrase “this whomps” and created The Whomp City Roller Derby team. He recruited Spinelli to be their coach after seeing she had led her team to win the World Cup. It was while working together he realized he still had strong feelings for her. He plans on proposing to her in the near future.

    King Bob

    King Bob owns and lives in a junkyard. He seldom leaves and he spends most of his time updating his blog, Long Live the King, where he frequently posts rules and regulations of the playground.

    Randall Weems

    Randall accepted the job as assistant principal at Third Street Elementary once he graduated college. After Principal Prickly mysteriously disappeared, Randall assumed his position. He calls Miss Finster every week to tell her all the "deliciously moist" dirt he has on the staff.

    Ashley Tomassian, Ashley Armbruster, and Ashley Boulet

    Ashley. A came up with the idea of making a pregnancy pact in high school but ultimately decided not to follow through with it. They all agreed to marry men whose last name begins with the same letter as theirs. Ashley T. and Ashley A. are no longer in contact with Ashley Q.

    Ashley Quinlan and Hustler Kid

    Ashley Q. ditched the rest of the Ashleys in high school when she decided they weren’t “scandalous” enough for her. She started dating Hustler Kid when she found out about his lucrative career as the owner of the Hustler Warehouse. They now travel the world and she updates their whereabouts on her Instagram page.