This Scottish Highlander Went Viral After Pledging To Give His Life To Keep The UK Together

    "We will never, never change, we will keep our union together in the name of Jesus!"

    Question Time can often be a tedious affair, but last night's edition, broadcast from Inverness, was notable for featuring THE most enthusiastic pro-Union supporter in the history of television.

    The Scot, who didn't give his name, was only just getting going.

    Scotland goes to the polls to decide whether it stays part of the UK on 18 September.

    Viewers at home very quickly responded in large numbers to his plea.

    Here is what a lot of the audience have been talking about #bbcqt

    It didn't take long for the "Highlander" to get the Twitter meme treatment.

    RT @LeaderBonehill: The Highlander on #bbcqt speaks with pure passion, he almost reminded me of this scene from Braveheart - Respect: http:…

    get the old Highlander back on #bbcqt

    People were asking whether he forgot to put his arm down or just kept it up deliberately.

    Did the #bbcqt Highlander man forget to put his arm down or remembered so late he tried to make it look deliberate?

    There were calls for him to have his own show.

    Give Highlander Man his own TV show. #bbcqt

    Bit like the Jerry Springer show, the crazy highlander should have his own 'final thought' on all #bbcqt shows

    Despite the programme's name, it was really more of a comment than a question. But you can't fault him for enthusiasm.

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