19 Reasons Why Going Bald Is Actually Brilliant

    Don't deny it, just face the facts. Be bald and beautiful.

    So you're going bald. What are you going to do about it, HIDE IT?

    1. Everyone looks good bald, even One Direction. It adds a certain level of character.

    2. So many men are just better looking without hair. Jason Statham used to have hair. No one would bone that.

    But look at him now.

    3. Compare mulleted '80s Andre Agassi with Andre Agassi now. No contest.

    4. Compare thoughtful, floppy-haired '80s indie man Michael Stipe...with the super-cool, arty bald Stipe of 2014.

    5. Who prefers The Rock/Dwayne Johnson when he still had hair? No one, that's who.

    6. Plus, when baldy actors put on wigs for roles it just hits home how weird they look with hair.

    7. You might be self-consicous about it, but the thing is: A lot of women LOVE a bald head.

    8. Even Dolly Parton.

    9. Being bald can make people respect you. There is even some science behind this.

    The Journal of Social Psychology and Personality Science found in 2012 that "thinning" hair was considered by some test subjects to be less powerful and attractive, but men with very closely cropped hair were considered to be "more dominant" and have greater leadership qualities.

    10. For example: Compare Bryan Cranston here...

    ...with sexy, bald-headed, evil genius Bryan Cranston here.

    11. Speaking of which, if you're into fancy dress/cosplaying, you automatically have the ideal head for a variety of costumes.

    12. Plus! You never have to worry about what haircut to get ever again.

    13. Or get yourself some of these and save MILLIONS*.

    14. And say goodbye to hat hair!

    15. You may get the odd tease, but you just have to rise above it.

    16. And anyway it's not YOUR problem, it's everyone else's. Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was once asked about the casting of Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard in Next Generation:

    17. Sure, you could get a hair transplant, but they can cost thousands of pounds and leave you looking like someone stuck a Weetabix to your head.

    18. And if you don't like the idea of a plain old bald head, you can always customise it, like these chaps.

    19. But remember: There is nothing worse than a comb-over.

    In conclusion, be like Picard. Embrace the baldness.