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12 Small Moments In Life That Make Everyone Feel Super Confident

Someone complimented your shoes? Time to take over the world.

1. When you've just had your hair done.

2. When you wear that one accessory that always makes you feel great...

3. ...or you put on a brand-new outfit that makes you feel super glam.

4. When your friends give you the address for the GPS, but you don't need it. You know where you're going.

5. When you snag the perfect parking spot.

6. When the doctor gives you a clean bill of health.

7. When you remember to drink enough water.

8. When you hit your 10,000-step goal.

9. When you open that jar that no one else could.

10. When someone compliments your smile.

11. When you're singing karaoke and don't have to look at the words.

12. When you remember that actor from that thing without looking it up.