19 Times Walmart Needed To Get Its Shit Together

    "Nothing says 'I love you' quite like fisting."

    1. Wow, I've never seen watermelons like this!

    2. Perfect shirt for the whole family!

    3. I can't wait to jump into my new rectangular poo!

    4. Stephen King always takes me right back to my childhood.

    5. Let's get geometric!

    6. "Sir, where can I find your boneless bananas?"

    7. Totally worth the mark-up.

    8. I can finally marathon Little Ho On The Prairie!

    9. "Always low prices" is RIGHT!

    10. "Please write this text message thread on a cake."

    11. I can finally see the ads and then wipe my ass with 'em!

    12. Oh cool, Tie-dye!

    13. You have to admit, this is Pinterest as fuck.

    14. This is the perfect anniversary card!

    15. "Do you have this in a medium?"

    16. Sweet melons!

    17. Irony sells, and I'm lookin' to buy!

    18. Reciprocity is golden.

    19. And finally, I guess Jesus is coming in more ways than one.