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29 Things That Latinos Do All The Time That Other People Would Genuinely Not Understand

While you were busy playing with your Barbies, I was translating official government documents.

1. Our most-watched news program growing up was called Primer Impacto and often had stories about demonic possession, chupacabras, and everyday things that'll likely kill us.

waiting for primer impacto to tell my mom that pokemon go is evil and will get me killed


2. We say "my mom" and "my dad" when speaking to our siblings, even though we share the same mom or dad.

My Mexican homies always be saying “my mom” “my dad” etc etc when they’re talking to their sibling 😂

Twitter: @Chetraaaaa

3. If we go out on one night and try to go out for a second time in one week, our parents will say we "go out all the time" and are "never home."

*salgo dos días seguidos* mi mamá: a ver, deja veo tu cara porque ya ni me acuerdo de cómo eres, con eso de que nunca estás en la casa

Twitter: @CBuburron

4. And despite some of us being fully grown adults who don't even live at home anymore, we still have to say where we're going, who we're going with, why we're going, and what time we'll be back every time we leave the house.

You know you're Mexican when your mom texts you like this

Twitter: @OhwowValerie_

5. If it's over 100 degrees out, you can almost guarantee that caldo is being made out there. Sweating while eating it is just part of the experience.

6. Some of us spent a large part of our childhood translating official government documents and making important calls for our parents while we didn't even have a fluent grip on either English or Spanish at the time.

My Mexican parents always had me doing their paper work and translating big documents to them ever since I knew how to read lmao if I didn’t understand something they’d be like “entonces para qué te sirve el inglés” like damn ma I’m only 9

Twitter: @marthasxox

7. Our sofas and kitchen tables are often covered in plastic, and no, the sofa is not comfortable, and yes, your legs do stick if you're wearing shorts.

The plastic on grandma’s sofa. https://t.co/PzUu6hSfj0

Twitter: @ShontaviaJEsq

8. Walking barefoot on a tile floor is a guaranteed way of getting "sick." At least, that's what we've been told all our lives.

#growinguphispanic You can't walk around the house barefoot or you'll get sick and die


9. The same goes for going out in cold weather right after showering. Walking outside with wet hair is somehow equal to me playing in traffic if you ask my mom.

10. "Por ese telefono" also appears to be a "valid" reason why we have literally any illness or problem.

Does your mom ever just blame everything on your phone? Me:mom I am hungry Mom: por ese pinche telefono estas tired

Twitter: @Hispanic_teens

11. "Second cousin" is a phrase many of us didn't even know existed until adulthood, so we just called our cousins' kids our "nephews" and "nieces."

Unpopular opinion: My cousins kids are my nieces and nephews. https://t.co/riDFyRrTCv

Twitter: @PaolaMares21

12. The phrase "sana sana colita de rana" is used to alleviate any sort of injury, which literally translates to, "Heal, heal, butt of a frog."

*rubbing Vick's on my GPA* sana, sana, colita de rana

Twitter: @AstroTraviesa

13. A party only truly begins when we arrive, and yeah, that may be an hour or two after you told us to get there.

When you actually on time to a Latino party

Twitter: @blzrdpablo

14. But when it comes to a flight, we will absolutely be there five hours before boarding even begins.

I swear Latinos be late to everything but the airport

Twitter: @johnny_l0s

15. A "small" celebration for us is everyone else's "large." Even just inviting a few relatives can quickly snowball into a 75-person backyard party with complete strangers that doesn't end until the next morning.

When you're Puerto Rican your small, intimate family party consists of an average of 20 people. 😅

Twitter: @__itslizzy

16. We have to allot about half an hour just to say goodbye to everyone at these gatherings, too.

Saying bye at a Latino party is a 45 min process

Twitter: @Living0od

17. Baby showers and children's birthday parties involve just as much drunken fun as any other celebration would, Frozen tablecloths and all. And no, the children aren't the ones drinking, so chill.

Mexican baby showers be lit!!! I’ve never left a baby shower drunk & with my lashes in hand until last night 😂🤟🏾🍼🧸🎉🍻🥃

Twitter: @namasteinbed555

18. Every family function always has at least one child laid out on two chairs sleeping like a rock while music blares out of multiple speakers, lights flash, and people dance.

How my kids are going to be at parties while me and my husband are dancing https://t.co/5eHNW6YK1C

Twitter: @gisellexoxo_

19. It's common for a lot of us to have padrinos (godparents) sponsor different aspects of our wedding, like flowers, decor, the cake, etc.

I’m honestly looking for padrinos for my wedding. Serious inquires only.

Twitter: @l_velazquez1

20. Centerpieces at weddings, quinces, birthday parties, etc. are not just for looking at, they're for taking. And no, it's not considered "stealing."

My mom taking an Oscars centerpiece when I win a best original screenplay award 20 years from now:

Twitter: @obedmanuel

21. Christmas is usually a typical day for us in which we eat leftovers and just watch TV or something. The real holiday is Nochebuena, which takes place the night before on Christmas Eve.

Twitter: @Omarruizz10

22. We also wait around until midnight to open presents on that night, whereas the rest of the world is waiting until Christmas morning. We love a head start.

Who else is going to celebrate Christmas the 24th, eat food hasta la madre, and open presents at midnight? Probably every Latino 🙋🏽‍♂️ #Christmas

Twitter: @mrchuy0123

23. We risk our lives every New Year's Eve by stuffing 12 grapes down our throat as the clock ticks down to midnight. We also wear yellow underwear, eat lentils, run around with luggage, and throw water out of a window just in case.

For those who don't know, each grape is supposed to signify a month of the year, and eating them in the final seconds of the year is supposed to bring good luck and prosperity into the new year. Yellow underwear is supposed to bring good luck as well, lentils bring financial success, the luggage brings new travel opportunities, and throwing water out gets rid of the bad vibes from the previous year.

24. Getting dressed to the nines just to sit in the living room during a family event is completely normal.

me on thanksgiving getting all dressed up just to sit in the living room

Twitter: @SpookyGothLoser

25. Sleepovers aren't even a point of discussion, they're just an automatic "NO."

26. Little girls often get their ears pierced basically .002 seconds after leaving the womb.

honestly im always shook that all my white friends had to wait until they were 12 to get their ears pierced when every latino family just gives ear piercing with the birth certificate essentially

Twitter: @papa_talisa

27. This ceramic bowl with a colored border has somehow infiltrated so many of our homes that it's now just a part of the culture. Many of us don't even know how it found its way into our homes.

Twitter: @PabloValdivia

28. So many of our dads can't ever have a phone conversation without them being as loud as a jet engine. Their default phone speaking voice is a regular shout.

29. And finally, our ovens double as storage for pots and pans, which is smart in theory and then a pain in the ass when we've gotta actually bake something.

latino culture is trying to explain to your non hispanic significant other why you put pans/pots in the oven as storage & them struggling with adapting lmfaoo

Twitter: @jxnnyyd

If you're Latino/a/x/e, what thing is completely normal to you but has confused every other person in your life? Let me know in the comments!