24 Things People From California's Central Valley Know To Be True

    Livin' that valley life.

    1. Outsiders often think you're living that ~Hollywood~ life...

    So true! #CentralValleyProblems

    2. ...while other Californians seem to think the Central Valley is a fictional place.

    3. The closest thing to snow is the two-inch frost on your windshield in the winter...

    4. ...while the summer is virtually unlivable. ๐Ÿ˜“

    5. The weather always finds a way to personally attack you.

    6. Driving behind a farm vehicle is an acceptable excuse for being late to work...

    We have our own kind of traffic #centralvalley #California #tractor #traffic

    7. ...and it doesn't help that some highways are only two whole lanes. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    8. You've gotten used to navigating your car with just 10 feet of visibility.

    9. The air quality and your lungs just don't seem to get along most of the time...

    10. ...and you discover allergies you never knew you had.

    11. You have to travel all the way to Fresno or Bakersfield just to see your favorite artists perform.

    12. People often hang and drink with their crew at the lake or river...

    13. ...but that's been extra hard to do these days for obvious reasons.

    14. When that can't be done, the casino is the next best alternative.

    15. Your commute often consists of miles upon miles of flat land or crops...

    16. ...but you at least get the added benefit of having some delicious local produce.

    #centralValley grown .....#californiaGrown my new fav snack

    Straight from the vine!

    17. You're super grateful that gas doesn't cost you an entire month's paycheck.

    18. You've built a tolerance to the deadly smell of cow ๐Ÿ’ฉ.

    couple of cows... ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„ #California #CentralValley

    19. You've accepted horses as your road companions...

    20. ...as well as hoards of lifted trucks.

    21. You've memorized this ad and wonder if this guy is even a real person.

    22. You see these two as the valley's biggest celebs.

    23. You recognize the Grapevine as both a vicious, yet beautiful beast separating you from the rest of the world.

    24. And even though it may have its struggles, you have to admit, the valley is actually a beautiful place all its own.