15 Snapchats Only People From California's Central Valley Would Send

    Eat your heart out, Hollywood.

    1. When you've become nose-blind to the smell of cow 💩:

    2. When the Grapevine is the only thing separating you from the civilization:

    3. When you see a little bit of yourself in your area code:

    4. When the fog turns your day into a real life horror movie:

    5. When the summer is unbearably hot...

    6. ...and the winter is tragically cold:

    7. When Fresno is basically the only place you go to see a concert:

    8. When you make one too many trips to Wally World:

    9. When it's not traffic that makes you late...it's farming equipment:

    10. When the smog never seems to escape:

    11. When lifted trucks rule the streets...

    12. ...as do horses, sometimes:

    13. When your seasonal allergies became year-long allergies:

    14. When going to the river during a hot day is all too common:

    15. And finally, when you find the beauty in simplicity: