19 Roommates Who Woke Up And Immediately Chose Chaos

    Time to change the locks.

    1. This roommate who doesn't deserve nice things in their life:

    2. This roommate who created an impressive balancing act:

    3. This roommate who must have thought the cookie sheet was possessed: 

    4. This roommate you should be grateful you don't live with during a pandemic:

    5. This roommate who must hate a good crunch on a chip:

    6. This roommate who could have spent less time putting those tater tots in a container than figuring out how to fit a cookie sheet into the fridge:

    7. This roommate who is just playing along at this point:

    8. This roommate who welcomed a fire with open arms:

    9. And this roommate who branded the wall:

    10. This roommate who fought with a roll of foil and lost:

    11. This roommate who's got jokes that aren't even funny:

    12. This roommate who — by the looks of it — may have cooked directly on the burner:

    13. This roommate who likes living on the edge:

    14. This roommate who seemingly thinks the back of the couch leads to another dimension:

    15. This roommate who probably thinks our plastic waste problem is a myth:

    16. This roommate who needs to get their life together:

    17. This roommate who should be required to eat that lettuce once it's all wilted and soggy:

    18. This roommate who has murder on the mind:

    19. And finally, this roommate who obviously can't be trusted with money:

    H/T: r/mildlyinfuriating.