21 DMs From Straight Men That Need To Be Studied In An Anthropology Class

    Listen and learn.

    1. Don't start a convo by mentioning your balls:

    2. Don't ask someone for makeup-less selfies:

    3. Don't assume the role of "daddy":

    4. Don't send unsolicited dick pics:

    5. Don't be fucking racist:

    6. Don't tell people what to do with their bodies:

    7. Don't be gross:

    8. Don't ask someone if they're looking for a sugar daddy:

    9. Don't ask a rando if you can touch their calves:

    10. Don't tell 'em they have "edible" anything:

    11. Don't say shit like this:

    12. Just don't mention your dick at all:

    13. Don't tell someone that you want to suck a fart out of their butt:

    14. Don't ask a stranger if you can piss on 'em:

    15. Don't continue to bother someone when they obviously don't want to talk to you:

    16. Don't feel entitled to nudes:

    17. Don't use a creepy pickup line:

    18. Don't start with your conspiracy theories and then end on a weird note:

    19. Don't inquire about tickling:

    20. Don't start any conversation this way:

    21. Just....don't:

    Do better, men.