11 Pictures You Won’t Understand If You Didn’t Grow Up Catholic

    There is no craving stronger than sin.

    1. When your anxiety peaked every time the priest handed you a communion wafer:

    2. When your house basically became a shrine:

    3. When you know exactly what you're gonna hear on Ash Wednesday:

    4. When your carnivorous appetite surfaced at the wrong moment:

    5. When you struggled to stay awake at an early morning mass:

    6. When you began to wonder if your legs would ever get a break:

    7. When you never truly understood what a sin actually was:

    8. When your weapons were a little more biblical:

    9. When you were told that anything too magical must be diabolical:

    10. When your thoughts took on a life of their own during mass:

    11. And finally, when some numbers were a little more taboo than others: