23 Hotel Design Fails That Need To Go Down In History

    I'll be sleeping in my own bed from now on.

    1. These room directions that require three master's degrees to figure out:

    2. This hotel bathroom that's rudely anti-mirror:

    3. This bed shelf that's looking to give you a concussion:

    4. This room door that might just drop you to your death:

    5. This shared AC that can only be controlled by the neighboring room:

    6. These floors that lead to god only knows where:

    7. These curtains that are designed to give you nightmares:

    8. These hotel lobby lamp shades that appear to be hairy:

    9. And this horrifying breakfast area artwork:

    10. This bathroom vent that you need to look twice at to get:

    11. This sofa-bed that is more sofa than bed:

    12. This booty-ful artwork in the hotel dining area:

    13. This window into the bathroom that literally has NO purpose:

    14. This room number sign that thinks it's a chameleon:

    15. This door that's supposed to say "108" but thinks it's being real cute:

    16. This hotel bathroom that doesn't care if you wipe or not:

    17. These door decals that aren't what they appear to be:

    18. This sink that only had ONE job:

    19. This ceiling that needs to learn about personal space:

    20. This light switch that resides INSIDE a hotel room:

    21. This building sign that ate the alphabet up and spit it out:

    22. This brand new carpeting that's straight out of Saw:

    23. And finally, this tiny window with big curtain dreams:

    H/T r/crappydesign