28 Outrageous Wrestling GIFs For Absolutely Any Situation

    When life gives you lemons, drop an elbow on them.

    1. When you get to the security checkpoint at the airport for an international flight and you realize you forgot your passport:

    2. When you wake up after a night of heavy drinking that included IPA, shots of 151, and mezcal:

    3. When you walk in on your parents having sex:

    4. Constipation:

    5. When your girlfriend says, "Listen, honey. I love you. But... WE. NEED. TO. TALK.":

    6. When you suddenly get a brilliant idea while you're tripping on shrooms:

    7. When you order a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich and they give you a ham, egg, and cheese sandwich instead:

    8. When your S.O., who you just moved in with, says you can't have the PS4 next to the television because it doesn't go with the decor:

    9. When you're on a plane and the kid behind you keeps kicking your seat, you turn around and do this:

    10. When you hear someone say that Justin Bieber is the great musician of our generation:

    11. Finding out you have more money in your bank account than you originally thought:

    12. When you're at a comedy show and then you're picked for audience participation:

    13. When you walk into a bar and find out that happy hour is still happening:

    14. When you're applying for health insurance and you don't know what to do:

    15. When you're making hot pea soup with your blender, but forget to make sure the lid is completely closed:

    16. The first time you discovered that 28008 backwards on your beeper actually spells out "BOOBS":

    17. When your S.O. starts talking about marriage and you're like:

    18. During the holidays, when you unwrap your one and only gift to find a Super Nintendo box, only to realize that your parents stuffed it with a bunch of sweaters:

    19. When you get the uncontrollable urge to eat handfuls of Pocky Sticks:

    20. In retail, when a rude customer keeps insulting you, and you've reached your breaking point, this is how you respond:

    21. When people say that New York has better tacos than L.A.:

    22. When someone says something so incredibly stupid you can't believe it actually happened, so you replay it again in your head only to realize it indeed happened:

    23. When you see bacon:

    24. When you're helping a friend to move furniture out of his apartment:

    25. When a guy busts out his guitar and starts playing at a party even though no one asked him to:

    26. When your S.O. leaves you and you're just like:

    27. When someone gives you a really shitty book to read:

    28. When you're walking down the street, minding your own business, then you accidentally brush against someone's ass, and they assume you were trying to grab them: