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Here's How Badass Horseback Riding Really Is

No, the horse doesn't do all the work.

1. Horseback riding takes a lot of hard work, and people assuming otherwise can get old fast.

2. They don't know much balance it takes to do this 5 feet in the air...

3. ...the planning required to get to your next fence...

4. ...or the skill it takes to avoid knocking a rail.

5. They've never practiced seamlessly collecting...

6. ...and extending...

7. ...the invisible weight shifts necessary for flying changes...

8. ...or the discipline required to pull off a piaffe.

9. They don't know how dangerous a fall could be...

10. ...or how to stay on when inertia's stacked against you.

11. And lord knows they've never sat through a bucking fit.

12. (Seriously tough, guys — just give it a try.)

13. Football's a sport? Those dudes don't rear when they're scared.

14. They don't have the trust needed to conquer a drop fence...

15. ...the judgment required to crush the jump-off...

16. ...or the balls to freaking GO for that long spot.

17. So don't mind the people who say it takes nothing — just think about your good fortune instead.

18. They don't know, and unless they're very lucky, they probably never will.

19. And smile, because if it looks effortless, you know you're doing it right.

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