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I Wanna See If The TRUE Marvel Fans Agree With These Rotten Tomatoes Ratings

I feel Avengers: Infinity War should be higher...

The film and TV website Rotten Tomatoes reviews movies and television programs by gathering opinions from both film critics and general audiences. Both demographics are asked one simple question: Did you like this piece of media or not?

So, I'm going to give you the percentage of critics who liked each of these MCU properties. Your job is to tell me whether you think each project should have a higher ranking, a lower ranking, or if you think their ranking sounds about right. Let's get into it!

This post is an entry in BuzzFeed’s 2nd Annual Community Summer Writers’ Challenge, where you can earn $$$ for creating your own lists and quizzes published through September 15, 2022! Check out alllll the details here.