17 Delicious Reasons To Be Excited For Mango Season


    1. For three months every year, the king of fruits makes our summers bearable and until then, Indians have no chill.

    2. Especially when the season has STARTED, and it's in your HOUSE and you STILL have to wait while it takes its own sweet time to get sweet.

    3. Until then, you have the option of mango-flavoured everything!

    4. When the mango is FINALLY ripe, you want it all day every day. Whether it's on toast...

    5. As part of your everyday smoothie...

    6. Or just as good old mango lassi.

    7. You can go out and get yourself full of falooda.

    8. Also it has been scientifically proven that no milkshake gets as many boys to the yard as mango milkshake.

    9. But the best way to beat the excruciating heat is probably in the form of mango ice cream.

    10. If that sounds like too much work, put a dollop of vanilla ice cream on chopped mangoes and it's almost gourmet-level good.

    11. Forget about being healthy and get yourself a full-fat, sugar loaded mango cream.

    12. It's an unspoken but strongly implemented rule to have aam ras with puris for Sunday lunch before slipping into a mango-fueled siesta.

    13. Or impress everyone by making a light and fluffy mango cheesecake.

    14. But nothing, NOTHING is better than sliced mangoes to STRICTLY BE EATEN BY HAND.

    15. Remember when we were stripped down to our diapers and given a whole mango to destroy however we pleased?

    16. Apparently, you can still do that.

    17. So stop staring at fruit seductively and START EATING YOU ONLY HAVE THREE MONTHS GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.