Athiya Shetty Is Bollywood's Next Fashion Icon, Get Used To It

    Athiya sundar.

    1. Meet Bollywood's newest debutante, Athiya Shetty.

    2. Her first movie JUST released and she's already killing the fashion game.

    3. She's flawlessly rocking everything from couture gowns...

    4. To this super easy-going denim shirt-dress.

    5. She pulled off the unimaginable feat of wearing all yellow and not looking like Big Bird.

    6. Because she carries off every outfit with aplomb.

    7. Even her lounging-around outfit is pretty chic.

    8. And so are her playing-with-pet clothes.

    9. #GOALS.

    10. #SpottedAtTheAirport outfit on fleek.

    11. How can one human always look so well put together?

    12. She obviously has an army of people to thank for her looks including the genes she got from parents, Mana and Sunil Shetty.

    13. But you don't see everyone looking like a queen at just 22.

    14. Here she is really feeling her look.

    15. Keep on slayin'.