I Was Emo For A Week And This Is What Happened

    Call me Fall Out Girl.

    Hey all, Nina here. This is what I typically dress like nowadays. Basic, maybe a lil' hipster-y, not tooooo bold. I like to blend in.

    I dressed equally basic when I was a teen. On the inside, though, I classified myself as an emo kid. I so desperately wanted to embrace the black raccoon eyes, studded belts, band tees, and teased hair. But I was never confident enough to do so.

    So now that I'm a ~confident adult~ I decided to go back to my high school roots and try dressing emo for a week. Here's how it went:

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    BuzzFeedYellow / Via youtube.com

    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Final Thoughts

    I'll leave you with some tips I gathered along the way: