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    So... Vaping Alcohol Is A Thing And We Tried It

    *sip sip*

    There are a lot of insane ways to consume alcohol – but one of the wildest methods is probably the Vaportini.

    The device costs $45 online and uses a simple candle flame to heat up whatever liquor you pour into it. You then use the straw to inhale the alcohol vapors from a glass orb.

    Vaportini sent a couple our way, so we decided to give them a try. However, it's important to note that "vaping" alcohol can be dangerous and should only be done in very small amounts.

    Dr. Lisa Lowery of Helen DeVos Children's Hospital said, "I really don’t recommend vaping alcohol but if they are going to do it...and of legal age, just [take] one small amount the first time and see how that goes."

    “It is important to remember that alcohol goes directly to the brain and lungs by doing this," explained Lowery.

    With the health risks in mind, we started off v e r y small – with a shot of liquor, for all of us to share.

    After lighting up the small candle, we poured one ounce of liquor into the orb and (very carefully!) set it on top of the glass.

    After five minutes, you use the included metal or glass straw to slowly sip the air from the globe.

    The taste? Kind of like breathing in Hint water, except with alcohol.

    If that's not descriptive enough, imagine walking through a fog and inhaling its cold mist. The mist lightly coats your tongue with, depending on the spirit, a very subtle whiskey flavor, without the aggressive burning sensation of alcohol.

    Read on for our first impressions.

    First up was ~Jameson Irish Whiskey~.

    Ellen surprised us all when she claimed that she loved it.

    Jeff, who described the sensation as "putting on a pleasure helmet," liked the flavor too.

    Alex thought it was so good, he took a second sip.

    "You really do taste it. That is actually really cool." —Farryn

    Next was the vodka, which pretty much everyone hated.

    Whiskey vapor fan Jess did not enjoy the vodka and tried to laugh off the pain.

    Nicole, who wondered if vapors would give her Asian glow, attempted to eject the vodka air from her mouth immediately.

    Brendan just shook his head and walked away.

    In conclusion, we wouldn't vape alcohol on the reg — part of the fun in drinking is the drinking — but it's probably worth it to try at least once.

    So, the big question... Did we feel a buzz?

    You can buy the Vaportini here.