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11 Of The Dumbest Things You Do With Your Phone

Phones are great, but sometimes they make us do things we might regret. Don't hurt others with your foolishness. If you're texting, you're not driving.

1. Spending hours and hours trying to get the perfect selfie.

2. Using your nose/tongue to press buttons on your phone.

3. Taking your phone into the bathroom stall with you.

4. Thinking that your phone is waterproof because it has updated software.

5. Risking your life for Vine.


Now, was that worth it?

6. Pretending to be busy to avoid conversation.

7. Sending anyone suggestive pictures of yourself.

8. Falling in love with Siri.

9. Butt dialing your boss.

10. Basing your happiness on how many texts you receive.

11. Testing all of the "radiation" theories.

Texting while driving.