I Went To Britney Spears' "Piece Of Me" Show In Las Vegas And This Was My Experience:

    *Incessantly cries*

    A long-time Britney Spears fan, newly 21 years old, and traveling all the way from Vancouver, Canada, I embarked on the evening of a lifetime: in February 2016 in Las Vegas, I finally saw my WCE serenade a theater full of fans at her newly revamped "Piece of Me" show. Did I scream? Yes. Did I cry? Like, the whole time. Was this an incredible/life-changing/obsession-reigniting/out of body/surreal event? DEFINITELY.

    Desperate to recollect the beautiful evening from start to finish, I provide you with the timeline of events leading up to and during the show that allowed me to relive my prepubescent/adolescent dreams of breathing Britney-air to the absolute fullest.

    This is my story.

    5:30p.m.: Ready to work, b*tch.

    Around 5:45-7:30 p.m.: Arriving at the Planet Hollywood Axis Theatre.

    7:15 — 7:33 p.m.: Waiting. Then Running.

    With the lineup now wrapping completely around the lobby, we finally receive our wristbands and the doors open; for a few moments it is complete anarchy. There is no order. It's Gotham under Bane's rule. It's Black Friday at Target. Beautiful and pop-loving people begin flooding through the metal detectors at rapid speeds, running (and being told not to run as they are running) to a second place in line that will lead those with General Admission tickets into the theatre.

    7:40 p.m.: Waiting Game Part 2. Also more running.

    8:00 p.m.: Theatre doors open! Run one last time!

    8:06-9:25 p.m.ish: Britney Army Unites

    Also 9:00 p.m.ish: Post-up!


    9:44 p.m.: Britney Spears is IMMORTAL.

    9:59 p.m.: The Return of OOPSNEY.

    10:27 p.m.: SOS Godney is so close to me and I cannot breathe

    10:38 p.m.: Things get pretty steamy....

    10:47 p.m.: THROWBACK OF MY DREAMS

    RIP ME

    10:51p.m.: The Finale

    I was deceased, and was dreading the severe case of post-Godney viewing depression I knew I would have:

    Thank you, Britney (GODNEY) Spears for reigniting the massive fan girl within me.


    (All photos/gifs were taken/created by me)