17 Things Everyone Thats Ever Worn A Ponytail Understands

    Just looking at Ariana Grande is enough to make your scalp hurt.

    1. Ponytails are great. Look how great they are.

    2. They seem like a quick and easy hairstyle that takes less than a minute to do!

    3. Thick, long hair is also great.

    4. But the two combined is always a terrible mistake.

    5. Because, without fail, ponytails will give you the worst headache.

    6. No matter how high, low or loose you wear your ponytail, it hurts.

    7. Honestly, looking at Ariana Grande is enough to make your scalp hurt.

    8. You've probably tried a wide variety of different hair ties to no avail.

    9. It makes going to the gym even more terrible.

    10. You've even put your hair into a ponytail overnight and woke up with a headache.

    11. This pain has led you to experiment with many different, hopefully less painful styles.

    12. But most of the time you can't be arsed and still shove your hair into a ponytail.

    13. Only spend the day deeply regretting that decision.

    14. And trying to give yourself a covert head massage.

    15. Then removing your ponytail at the end of the day is pure bliss.

    16. And then you vow to never wear your hair in a ponytail again.

    17. Until next month, when you've forgotten how painful it is.