11 Differences Between Growing Up British And Growing Up Russian

    Though potato smilies and turkey twizzlers are not that different to pureshka s kotletoy.

    1. Growing up British, your school lunches consisted of turkey twizzlers or a floppy sandwich from home.

    Growing up in Russia, your typical school lunch was "pureshka s kotletoy".

    2. In Britain, you spent seven years in an itchy Marks & Spencer school uniform, and did your tie up like this to show that you're cool.

    Doing this to your school tie meant that you were a rebel and "cool" #GrowingUpBritish

    In post-Soviet times, school uniforms were no longer a thing in Russia. However, "bantiki" (those big white bows) were still an absolute must, for some reason.

    Twitter: @sranysovok

    There wasn't really a rule about it, it was just expected. All of your school pictures involved one of these if you were a girl.

    3. In Britain, your first time getting drunk probably happened in a park with Strongbow or blue WKDs.

    In Russia, your underage drinking probably started with the alcoholic energy drink Jaguar.

    4. In Britain, you were cool if you had a Nike backpack and a Jane Norman bag for your P.E. kit.

    In Russia, your school bag had to be super practical because it had to fit your books, your P.E. kit, AND your “inside shoes"

    5. These snacks were a big part of your life if you grew up British.

    In Russia, *this* snack was your life.

    6. In Britain, your summer holidays were six weeks long, but only about five of those days involved any sort of sunshine and warm weather.

    In Russia your summer holidays were for the whole three months, most of which would be spent in the wilderness at a summer camp.

    7. Growing up, you probably had at least one caravanning holiday somewhere in the British Isles.

    In Russia, most of your holidays entailed a trip to your dacha.

    8. Visiting castles was a really big part of most British childhoods.

    In Russia, visiting museums with your class was how you spent a lot of your childhood.

    9. Growing up British, Myspace was very important to you and there was nothing more exciting then getting home from school and seeing this.

    In Russia, LiveJournal was deeply important to you.

    10. In Britain, you didn't really have any school discos or parties except for prom.

    FB memories has presented me with this picture of prom 2008. Disposable camera, Smirnoff Ice, hippie frock- YES.

    Which was still probably a let down, because you were 16 and couldn't even drink.

    School discos happened pretty regularly in Russia, but you still went all out for prom.

    11. British birthday parties mostly just involved getting drunk at house parties with little to no food.

    Birthday parties for Russian teens were basically the same, except you'd have zakuski between shots.