19 Examples Of Just Good, Clean, Quality Content From The Internet

    Consider this a palate cleanser.

    1. This very talented pianist:

    2. This great escape:

    the girls got in trouble and there goes tux letting them free 🙄

    3. This wild elephant:

    4. This recipe:

    5. This excellent questionnaire:

    My nephew made me mad so he left these in my room with a multiple choice question LMFAO

    6. This wholesome revelation:

    I just learned that elephants think humans are cute the way humans think puppies are cute (the same part of the bra… https://t.co/QuP9FNpU4a

    7. This squeaky boy:

    8. This well-loved cheese:

    9. This excellent use of the superzoom feature:

    i tried using the superzoom option on instagram with my dog and this happened

    10. This theme song:

    All dogs should come with a soundtrack.

    11. This proof that chivalry isn't dead:

    12. This wholesome turn of events:

    I’m walking down the street and this dude behind me shouted “Hey girl!” I turned around and he was like, “Oh my gos… https://t.co/wtZ7JT9rhC

    13. These big boys:

    14. This lil' shibe:

    15. This page that deserves kissing TBH:

    My sister caught my 3yo niece spinning in a circle alone in a room and kissing the page of a book. When she peeked… https://t.co/tWrmyTpoD5

    16. This duality:

    Dogs are so amazing and can detect things like diseases in humans. Also dogs:

    17. This brave woman:

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL my mum is so shook of animals it’s not even funny.

    18. This very helpful boy:

    19. And finally, this good, clean joke:

    ventriloquist: i'm a ventriloquist me: you any good me: the best me: wtf