15 Clever Ways To Actually Get Your Kids To School On Time

    Weekday morning tips and tricks that actually work.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share their best tips for getting kids out the door on time. While every family is different, maybe one of these tips will work for yours.

    Note: Not all of these submissions are from Community users, although most of them are!

    1. Make a morning routine chart and post it at kid height so they can easily see it and follow it.

    2. And make sure that they know where everything they need is, and how to put it away when they're done with it.

    3. Set a goal (i.e. finish everything and be ready to leave before the timer goes off) and if your kids meet that goal, give them a reward.

    4. Make the kids pack their own lunches the night before.

    5. Make them pack up their school bags, too.

    6. Organize each child's clothes for the week on Sundays, maybe in easy-to-identify drawers.

    7. Put the kids' schedules and timelines all in one place, so they can manage their own time as much as possible.

    8. Find ways to turn prep into a game, especially with younger children.

    9. Do what you can to get your kids to bed on a regular schedule.

    10. Take advantage of the alarm function on your phone.

    11. Get up and get yourself ready before you rouse anyone else.

    12. Tag team with your partner.

    13. Prep breakfasts well in advance.

    14. Or keep grab-and-go breakfasts at the ready.

    15. Set all of the clocks in the house five minutes ahead, but *don't tell anyone*.

    Good luck!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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