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What's Your Best Tip For Keeping It Together On School Mornings?

It's the most overwhelming time of the year.

Every parent knows: Getting the kids up in the mornings, fed, and to school on time is a P-A-I-N.

It's even worse if you have to get to work or somewhere else yourself.

Then one day, you get the dreaded call: your kid forgot the big project they've been working on at the kitchen table. How do you keep this from happening?

Or your kid ends up 5 minutes late to class a couple days in a row, because coordinating so much in the short hours of the morning is basically impossible.

What's your best tip for keeping it together between the hours of 6 and 9 a.m.?

How do you make sure all of their homework and projects end up in their backpacks?

We want to know how you make it happen! Upload a photo of your tip via the DropBox below, and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!