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    26 Incredibly Useful Problem-Solving Products Under $10

    Little problems, cheap solutions.

    1. A pumice stone that will actually remove hard water and rust stains without requiring hours of work or any harsh chemicals.

    2. A dishwasher magnet to forever solve the mystery of whether the dishes are impeccably well-rinsed, but still technically dirty, or actually clean and ready to be unloaded.

    3. A pack of fizzing tablets for easily deep cleaning even the most built-up layers of coffee and tea stains — they're like an ultra-powerful bath bomb for your stainless and plastic travel mugs.

    4. A dish squeegee to clean excess food off your plates in half the time it would take to rinse — plus if you're not rinsing, you're saving water.

    5. A soft cleanser that busts through built-up hard water stains on glass shower doors without requiring more than, like, one ounce or so of elbow grease.

    6. A pie shield to prevent your crusts from burning, allow your pies to rise in the center, and stop the filling from leaking from the edges.

    7. A microfiber towel turban so you can twist up your hair so it dries faster, all without causing damage or frizz. Plus the handy button on the back keeps it in place, letting you eat breakfast, put lotion on, or even just watch TV until you're ready to style it.

    8. A pair of Keepons to slide on the ends of your glasses so they finally stop that annoying habit of sliding down your nose multiple times every hour.

    9. A jar of exfoliating and hydrating lip scrub, because your seemingly eternally chapped lips need all the help they can get.

    10. And a gentle, non-drying face scrub that says it eliminates dirt and oil without taking all your skin's moisture along with it.

    11. Garbage disposal cleaning tablets — they foam up to scour every grimy nook and cranny of your smelly disposal, all you do is dump one in and flip the switch.

    12. A pair of charcoal deodorizers to suck the moisture out of your sweaty shoes like it was never even there in the first place, so they never develop that stench.

    13. A pack of shadow shields that'll catch all the fallout as you layer up your favorite colors, so you don't have to spend extra time (and product) making your under-eye look neat.

    14. A handheld knife sharpener because trying to slice and dice anything with a dull knife is basically asking for the blade to slip on a rogue kiwi and accidentally cut you.

    15. A five-pack of window insulation film to cut down on the heat that literally disappears through your drafty or un-insulated windows, so you stay warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer, *and* save money on heating and AC bills.

    16. A pack of ten boot cleaning wipes for a quick fix when your suede boots end up covered in salt stains from the ice melt or when your nephew dumps his dinner all over your leather jacket.

    17. A sink strainer made with silicone so you don't have to dig your fingers into the gross caught food to clean it out — instead, you simply invert the center to empty all the gunk at once.

    18. A pill organizer with a small box for each day that's divided into times of day, so you never have to dig past your evening dose to take what you need to at lunchtime.

    19. An accupressure wristband that just might help relieve your nausea, whether it's caused by regularly-scheduled travels (motion sickness, why???), being pregnant, 3D gaming, or something else entirely.

    20. A set of three microfiber cloths to vanish every speck of foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and more with just a couple of swipes, meaning you'll have basically no excuse to fall asleep in your makeup even on the latest nights.

    21. A jewelry cleaning brush that will shine up diamonds, Swarovski crystals, and other precious stones so they sparkle brilliantly like the very first day you bought them.

    22. An iPhone/iPad/iPod charger cord covered in flexible woven nylon — a material that won't crack with time and use, like those notorious default cables always do.

    23. A clip-on funnel so you can use every last drop of your favorite soaps, lotions, and even condiments hassle-free.

    24. A pocket-size bottle of lock de-icer, because when Jack Frost decides to freeze up your car locks (and you don't have automatic ones), you're gonna need a legitimate backup plan quick.

    25. A mug warmer that will ensure your coffee or tea stays drinkably heated even when it takes you a few hours to finish the cup (hey, sometimes some of us get distracted with other important things).

    26. A wooden foot massager reviewers swear helps with their plantar fasciitis — a common cause of heel pain — but could also just give you sweet relief after a day of wearing high heels.

    You, using the perfect product you just found:

    The reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.