25 Very Important Questions Australians Have About High School In The USA

    From SATs to 7 a.m. starts, I find everything confusing.

    Hey! We're Nat and Andria and we both work for BuzzFeed — except one of us works in Australia (Nat), and the other in the USA (Andria).

    1. First thing's first, let's talk about not having school uniforms. What's it like having to pick an outfit everyday?

    Lizzie McGuire staring desperately into her closet

    2. American movies always talk about buying new clothes for the new school year — is that a thing?

    3. And what's the deal with dress codes? The news we hear about them seem a little...archaic.

    4. Why are middle schools and high schools separate?

    5. And what's the go with all the funny names you have for the different high school grades?

    6. What do your school days look like? I hear you start school at, like, 7 a.m. — that's so crazy!

    7. Do you eat from the cafeteria every day? And what kind of meals do they usually make?

    8. Is sitting at the cafeteria really political, like something out of Mean Girls?

    9. How long does lunch go for? Is it true that everyone has different "lunch periods"?

    10. Do you play sports during school hours? Would you have football or cheerleading practice during the day?

    11. Is being a cheerleader as important as American movies make it out to be?

    12. Does everyone really drive to school? How do you all have cars at such a young age?!

    13. What does "homecoming" actually mean?

    14. Does everybody go to prom or is that just a thing for seniors?

    Napoleon Dynamite dancing at prom with his date, saying "I like your sleeves"

    15. Is "gym class" a compulsory thing? And is it really hard to pass, like they make it out to be in movies?

    16. Do you get to pick any classes you want to take? Do the classes you pick influence the kind of university courses you can take?

    17. What is an AP class?

    18. Is it true that you have multiple versions of math class? Do schools really teach geometry, trigonometry, etc. separately?

    19. What kind of exams do you have to take? What makes SATs so different to the others?

    Professor Umbridge watching over the students take their exams

    20. When do you take the SATs? Is it at the end of your senior year?

    21. What is applying to "college" like? It seems super stressful and competitive.

    22. What kind of things influence your college applications?

    23. Are the high school parties as crazy and OTT like the movies make it out to be?

    24. How many people actually went to your high school? They look huge on TV.

    25. What was the best thing about going to high school in the USA?