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    45 Years Of Choice With NARAL Pro-Choice America

    NARAL Pro-Choice America is celebrating its 45-year anniversary. Life was a lot different 45 years ago – women were still trying to be taken seriously in the work force, Richard Nixon was president and abortion was illegal in some states. Fast forward 45 years, and we're not just fighting to protect this right, we're working to make it more accessible for women across the country.

    Join us in celebrating our legacy and take a look at NARAL Pro-Choice America's work over the last 45 years:

    In 1969, pro-choice activists founded NARAL, the National Associate for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, and from day one we’ve worked to elect pro-choice lawmakers and mobilize voters.

    NARAL leaders started to win battles at the state level, and in 1973, the Supreme Court recognized a woman’s right to choose with its Roe v. Wade decision.

    In the years after Roe, anti-choice forces ramped up their efforts.

    The courts have long been a focal point for our movement,

    While anti-choice forces never stopped trying to pack the courts with their allies, they also targeted abortion clinics.

    And in 1998, NARAL celebrated a victorious election cycle when they helped to elect pro-choice candidates across the country and won 97 of 114 races!

    It took no time for then-President George Bush to attack abortion access – he slashed funds for family planning and packed the courts with anti-choice judges.

    Together with other pro-choice organizations, in 2004, we served as a lead organizer of the March for Women’s Lives.

    But the extremism continued.

    In a truly historic election,

    During the 2008 election cycle,

    Since taking office, President Obama has been an outspoken supporter of women’s reproductive freedom, and fights back against anti-choice forces that are trying to turn the clock back on women’s rights.

    Anti-choice lawmakers have tried to repeal the ACA and the birth-control benefit ever since.

    NARAL Pro-Choice America continues to work with countless pro-choice leaders to make sure women have access to safe, legal, abortion and reproductive-health care.

    It's been a great 45 years, and we look forward to many more pro-choice gains in the next 45 years.

    Happy Birthday, NARAL Pro-Choice America!