Mar 2013
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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on This Debate About Who Should Be Allowed To Go To Disney World Has Set The Internet On Fire

    As a mother to a three year old, I can’t imagine anything I would like to do less than take my toddler to an amusement park. Toddlers are not made to stand in long lines, and will not appreciate it. Your toddler isn’t crying because of long lines, they’re crying because they’ve been… 


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on A Male Starbucks Barista Shamed A Pregnant Woman For Ordering A Macchiato And It Got Heated

    This same thing happened to me at a Starbucks in downtown Chicago when so was working while pregnant. Only difference was it was a female barista but one too young to likely have any kids of her own or knowledge of what she was talking about. I was furious.


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on A Male Starbucks Barista Shamed A Pregnant Woman For Ordering A Macchiato And It Got Heated

    I had this same thing happen to me at a Starbucks when I was pregnant. I got one coffee a day and it was like the greatest treat while I was working an hour commute away, uncomfortable, and hugely pregnant. I was furious when the barista gave me shit about it.


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Found At A Thrift Store?

    We have a Thriftmas party every year where guests bring the weirdest thing they can find at a thrift store and we do a white elephant. This year we got a full marching band outfit complete with plumed hat and shoes and this...the butterfly is real, the hand moves up and down to creepy… 


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on People Are Sharing Weird Smells That They're Into And Y'all Are...Wow

    I have always liked the smell of the Zoo. I know what it is, and I don’t care! I like it.


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on Moms And Dads — Tell Us What You Wish Your Non-Parent Friends Knew About Your Life

    If we do make plans to go out for a good old fashioned girls night you cannot call it quits early. I have likely been psyching myself up for a month for this night and have had to organize someone to watch my child and made shady backroom deals with my husband to get him to let me… 


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on What's The Worst Thing Your Mother-In-Law Ever Did To You?

    On the way out the door to go to the rehearsal dinner for my wedding my MIL patted my stomach and asked if there was “something I wanted to let everyone know” about why we were getting married implying I looked pregnant. She said she would buy the food for the rehearsal dinner. She… 


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on Women, Tell Us Why Being In Your Thirties Is Actually Awesome

    Your 30’s are great because you’ve spent the last ten years in your 20’s getting to know yourself and decide what you want and what you will not accept. You’ve ditched the “friends” who give you nothing but grief, doubled-down on the ones who add to your life. You have more of a sense… 


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on What's The Thing About Adulthood That Surprised You The Most?

    As I entered my 30’s it really hit home that there is no point in which you will feel “grown up.” When you’re a kid you think adults know everything or, if not everything, they have at least SOME idea of what they’re doing and why. No. Everyone who has ever lived ever has just been… 


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  • lilys10's avatar

    lilys10 commented on Tell Us What You Really Wish You Knew Before Having Kids

    I wish I’d known how hard breastfeeding is and that it really is ok to say this isn’t working for us if it isn’t. That doesn’t make you a bad mother. As long as your baby is eating and gaining weight, and you’re holding them close and giving them love, you’re doing it right!


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