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Women Got Styled Without Knowing What Sizes They Were Wearing

"You're making me dress like I'm going to Coachella!"

For women, the clothing size you wear is a super personal number, and it can feel defeating to have to put on clothes in a higher size — even if those clothes fit. So we decided to have a stylist dress us without knowing what sizes we were actually wearing.

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Our stylist, Tiffany Reese, came in with a wealth of knowledge (and a wealth of clothes!) and talked each of us through our body image history.

All of us had outgrown most of our wardrobe and considered ourselves to be size 14, but none of us had set foot in a plus-size store before, or bothered buying larger clothes.

Brigid is a mom of two who hasn't really found her style groove since having her first baby several years ago.

Tiffany put her in a white (white!) (XL) high-gloss shirt and a high-waisted size13-15 skirt that really complemented her.

And Heidi was nervous to be styled from the racks in front of her — she'd been struggling to accept her size, and she wasn't sure how adventurous she wanted to get.

But she embraced it with open arms when she realized she looked AMAZING!

As for Morgan? We discovered that jeans aren't actually meant to be torture devices when you purchase them in the correct size.

...Holy Moses, the curves, the comfort, the feeling ourselves...

The really, really feeling ourselves.

Do you shop for size or comfort? Do plus-size stores scare you? Why don't more companies make clothes for everyone?

Whatever size you are, love yourself. Get fit, eat healthy, do all of those things to make yourself feel great, but love the body you've got RIGHT NOW. OK? Promise? Good talk. Happy Body Positivity Week.

Body Positivity Week is a week of content devoted to exploring and celebrating our complicated relationships with our bodies. Check out more great Body Positivity Week content here.