25 Ways Kids Troll Their Parents On A Daily Basis


    1. Their hands are never clean.

    That #Awkward moment when your daughter wants to hold your face & give you kisses & you realize she has glue on her hands...#ParentProblems

    2. They have no respect for boundaries.

    Privacy? Never heard of it 😂 #parentproblems

    3. They never want to sleep.

    If a toddler refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest? #parentproblems

    4. Seriously never.

    5. When they do sleep, it's at the absolute worst possible time.

    Sitting in the van at my inlaws doing #gradschool work so my son can continue his nap. #parentproblems @akrseggerman

    6. They have horrible taste in television.

    I sat down in my chair and turned the TV on, 10 minutes later I realized I was watching Team Unizoomi. #parentproblems

    7. And music.

    Singing along to a song on my @Spotify then realise it's a theme song to a crappy American Disney channel program! #shameful #parentproblems

    8. THIS.

    Parents of very young boys can feel my pain right now 😬😤 #aregirlsjustasbad #parentproblems #lookslikewewereburgled

    9. They fall hard.

    Jason's too infatuated with his stuffed pig toy to sleep. #parentproblems

    10. They dress themselves terribly.

    This kid fights me tooth and nail putting his real tie on, goes and gets his own tie... #parentproblems

    11. They ask questions.

    Calls & texts from sons religion teacher. #FacePalm son has reached age of reason I guess. #CatholicProblems #ParentProblems

    12. They want to play with your stuff.

    This is the aftermath of giving a 7 year old eye liner @abbyLFR #ParentProblems

    13. They put food in weird places.

    Actual phrase uttered in our house this weekend: "Now we have to get the cake out of your penis." #parentproblems

    14. They love mornings.

    7.45am on a Saturday morning&I've already done 2 loads of washing. What has my life turned into #parentproblems

    15. They're freaking expensive.

    Having children is expensive!!! Don't do unless you can afford it!! Paying this just made me 😷😷😷😷 #parentproblems

    16. Frozen.

    #parentproblems - how hard it is not to sing along to let it go when the 3yo has decreed we are listening in silence.

    17. They're slow.

    #parentproblems #imawaitthisoneout #youretakingforever

    18. They're shitty travelers.

    Son treated us to the toddler trifecta on the plane ride home: Crying. Screaming. Puking. #LongestThreeHoursOfMyLife #ParentProblems

    19. They ask for help with stuff you don't know the answers to.

    For anyone who has a 3rd grader, you know, there is no longer one path or one right answer. #newmath #parentproblems

    20. They wake up so easily.

    Darth Daddy #jokeoftheday #darthvader #parentproblems #PowComics

    21. They wake you up.

    I love when Mini Me comes in at midnight and tells me she can't sleep. I WAS sleeping until she came in. #parentproblems

    22. They're on to you.

    Put a nanny cam in my one-and-a-half-year-old's room. She keeps waving at it. Don't know if I should be proud or concerned. #parentproblems

    23. Earworms.

    Is there anything more annoying than having the Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood theme song stuck in your head at 12:30am?! #parentproblems

    24. They don't care about your credentials.

    4 years ago I got a Masters degree. Today my daughter threw up and I can't find it. #parenting #parentproblems

    25. They know you can't stay mad at them.

    Feeling like a zombie. #sleepdebt #parentproblems #parenthoodprep