Things That Will Only Make Sense If You're A Weight Fluctuator

    No, it's not my hair that's different.

    1. People you don't see that often usually don't recognize you.

    2. Your closet has size separator tags.

    3. You don't throw away your "skinny" jeans, because you *know* they'll fit again one day.

    4. Same goes for your "curvy" jeans.

    5. No, like, you literally don't get rid of clothes.

    6. And then of course, when they fit again, they're absurdly out of style.

    7. You're probs a lifetime member of weight watchers.

    8. Sometimes you change nothing, but drop two sizes.

    9. Other times you work out like a celebrity before awards season and...nothing.

    10. You have a LOT of yoga pants.

    11. You untag yourself from photos that don't match your current weight.

    12. You've probably had a pair of pants either rip or fall down at the worst possible moment.

    13. There's always that one person who can't help but call it out.

    14. You always get to pick a new favorite body part.

    15. Body shaming comes in all sizes.

    16. But ultimately, it doesn't matter because you love you at any size.