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    37 Cheap And Easy Sweatsuit Halloween Costumes

    Haven't come up with an easy DIY for Halloween? Don't sweat it.

    1. This very ferocious lion.

    2. This biiiig baaaaad wolf.

    3. These snuggly Carebears.

    4. This super-enthused moose.

    5. This last-of-its-kind dragon.

    6. This rebellious Lego lady.

    7. This very hungry caterpillar.

    Just a few pairs of colorful tights required to make this squish-worthy caterpillar costume!

    8. This adorable giraffe get-up.

    9. This spooky skeleton.

    Want to turn a sweatsuit into a skeleton suit? Click HERE to learn how.

    10. This silly monkey.

    11. This lovable Muppet.

    12. This vicious shark.

    13. These wild things.

    14. Kermie.

    It's actually easier than you thought to be green. From Belle Flowers Blog.

    15. This little piggy.

    16. These obedient little Minions.

    17. This whimsical unicorn.

    18. This comfortable astronaut.

    19. This no-nonsense Donatello.

    20. Rainbow Dash!

    21. These Things.

    22. This cat who is partial to snazzy headwear.

    23. This snuggly dino.

    24. This sensitive creation.

    25. Perry The Platypus.

    26. This unlikely hero.

    27. This majestic zebra.

    28. This warm hug-giver.

    29. These classic colors.

    30. Red Ninjago.

    31. This creepy crawler.

    32. This slimey slug.

    33. This little stinker.

    34. This busy busy bee.

    35. This terrifying monster.

    36. The Raven.

    37. This stick figure.